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The Benefits Of A Doves Funeral Policy

No one wants to think about death, but it is something that everyone must face someday. If something were to happen to you today, you would want to make sure that all of your arrangements were taken care of. A Doves funeral policy is one of the best ways to insure that everything is seen to.

With the right plan in place, your death will not place a financial burden upon your family. Funerals can be very expensive these days and the cost can be many thousands of rand. This kind of expense may be more than most families can bear and this can place hardships on the people that you love.

Whenever a death in the family occurs, there is a time of mourning. Also, it can be very stressful and difficult with someone dies and the last thing you want family to be concerned with is making all of the arrangements. Your plan can already be in place and your family will have one less thing to be concerned with.

You can choose from several different types of policies. For instance, one plan is for families and provides ten thousand rand of cover. If you wish to pay more you can receive a plan that offers cover of eighteen thousand rand. Your spouse is also covered for the same amounts.

Family plans also include cover for children. Children fourteen years of age and older receive the same cover as the adult family members. Children age six to thirteen can receive as much as twelve thousand rand of cover. Children under the age of five will have thirty five hundred rand and there is also fifteen hundred rand cover for stillborn births.

Single parents can receive the benefits also. Cover and premiums are similar to those of family plans. Cover for extended family members is also available. There is a 60 day waiting period for those under 65 and 90 days for those over 65, and repatriation is not included.

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